Wednesday, August 15, 2018

2018 July 28

reached around 9PM (ETA 945) and there wasn’t a lot of people so i was scared i’m at the wrong place but nope the people came afterwards
about 14-15 body guards came and formed a barricade
was standing on the right of the barricade but more people so moved to the left side of the human barricade where there’s lesser people
didn’t write my name cos i thought its so unnecessary but then saw other people’s letter and saw that they wrote their names so i quickly scribbled my name at the bottom of the back of the envelop lol
the letter!
the envelope
they came out: jeong chaeng nayeon dahyun jihyo
called chaeng and she was like considering whether to take my letter and took it in the end (according to may and pat she was shocked by me lol)
after she took my letter i feel like my life’s mission has been accomplished so i didn’t follow them so i was like EH WHY NEVER FOLLOW
so followed and got a super clear view of her
stopped at the glass doors cos only one side opens (one side is for the other direction)
never follow them out cos i wanted to go back and wait for the second batch
but they took damn long cos foreign passports i think
second batch: tzuyu momo sana mina
tzuyu is god visuals omg
like tall and v got 气质 and just really damn pretty
momo and sana fan service queens
caught momo accepting fan letters and waving
caught sana nodding to a fan who asked her if she ate (SUCH SWEETHEARTS REALLY)
like mina is about my height, chaeng is not that much shorter than them/me and jeong and tzuyu don’t feel that tall also so idk man haha i guess it’s all in comparison
but this is the closest you will ever get to them really
next time want to give letter just give at airport lol
security is tight forming a circle around them but they never force you to stay like 500km away from them
chaeng was legit like 5 steps max in front of me
tq for accepting my letter chaeyoung-ah, sorry if i scared you

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