Sunday, June 17, 2018


lol reading my last year's post before coming to write this and i realized i was way more excited for last year's con than this year's i think i have aged and am too old to be doing all this anymore (or maybe i'm just too jaded/tired with life to be that excited haha) 

alright so this year they start off with a fantasy world concept where they come out like goddesses sitting on dangling swings 
super lucky that chaeng and mina are on my side of the stage hehe 
super unflattering photo of chaeng tho ded hahaha
saw it on twitter during their korea con so was not surprised 
tbh don't really remember the setlist cos too busy running around chasing them around the stage + trying to record while keeping an eye out for the guards 
but really v worth it cos really get to see them up close, closer than the seating at star last year 
next time i will go for seating probably, not because it's tiring (well it is but it's not the reason why), but because i think it would be good to sit on top and get a bird's eye view of everything that's happening too (and also really enjoy the concert and watch them perform and dance rather than run around in the mosh ded) 
also mina and chaeng were always on the other side so didn't really get to see them a lot sigh
saw momo and jihyo the most, then sana, dahyun, nayeon and jeongyeon, then tzuyu, mina and chaeng 
also compared to last year, i must say the girls are more relaxed and professional? like the stages feel more coherent now, as expected they improve with experience 
and i think i enjoy watching them more now because 1. since they themselves are more comfortable and natural 2. i think i know them and their dynamics better to better appreciate them now
personal stage faves were: knock knock (the remix is good) and what is love acoustic (love the adlibs and harmonization)
oh and also the vcrs are so cute it's like a small cut of a reality/variety keke

alright moving on to the members:
nayeon: her smile is really the best altho her rbf also v strong lol
1. when chaeng pointed out a fan board or smth to nayeon and they both laughed and nayeon posed for the fan 
2. their talk after their subunit she was like flirting with jeong and all being like "i'm happy to be doing the subunit stage with jeongyeon. you know my heart right?" and linking arms with jeong and leaning on her and shit 
but jeong is just like "no idk show me your heart. (in english) show me, nayeon." 
aiyo get married la lol 
during the my ear candy stage nayeon pulled jeong's shirt to pull her to her and it was just intense AND GAY (thank u for promoting the gay agenda im nayeon) 
jeongyeon: okay first things first she's quite pretty jyp let her leave her hair out if she wants to goddamnit you don't need to have short hair to be a girl crush
also she has ton loads of fan boys lor what girl crush lol 
but erm need to improve on singing ded like the rest all sound pretty similar to CD but she's the only one that sounded different... 
like when they dance tgt you just can't help but look at her cos she's so powerful!! like during beyonce's end of time stage her intense dancing + the costume that accentuate her dance moves are just >:O TAKE MY HEART HIRAI MOMO 
then she is one of the members who really does a lot of fan service like she made sure she looked and waved in all directions, doing the extra but small stuff that as a fan i really appreciated it 
and during their individual intro her "hello i'm momo" is so cute but i didn't record it down GODDAMNIT 
10/10 can date if you can accept the fact that you will always be 3rd in her heart after food and dance haha 
sana: cutie-sexy is really the most accurate description of sana like she's so cute when she smiles but also can be sexy if she wants to 
like her smile is so endearing and her eyes are just 꿀 떨어진다 like she stares at the fans with so much love in her eyes WHAT DO U WANT FROM ME I CAN GIVE YOU ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING 
jihyo: brightest smile in the whole wide world no kidding 
at the start she was focusing on singing and she kept frowning so i was like "oh no is it bad mood today" but as the con progressed she smiled more and her smile is just so precious 니가 웃으면 나도 좋아
mina: hair up in a ponytail today but looking like royalty and elegance as always 
like how can someone be so elegant, gentle and graceful?!?!??!?!?! is it humanely possible? 
is mina even human? she's really pretty and just perfect that i'm like legit jealous of her future husband he must have saved like 10000 countries in his past life to get her okay!!!1!!!11111
but can understand why people think of her as the dead fish since she's quiet and pretty expressionless at times so people may think of her as rude, aloof or just dgaf BUT THAT'S NOT TRUE
dahyun: ahh the mood maker as always 
also another fan service queen, making sure to like shoot hearts, winks, everything everywhere 
does a good job at raving the crowd like making us scream continuously 
and also copied the translator this time lol 
momo and her stayed behind at the end doing some weird poses together before momo carried her off stage and she was like kicking and struggling jokingly haha cuties 
chaeng: the orange hair kinda faded into a blondish color so it's slightly better but the choppy bangs hmmm... 
her fan service is quite minimal like she doesn't wave and shoot hearts like the other members but i spotted her pointing at fans to acknowledge them or like shooting finger hearts some times 
but her arms are really super toned wtf like during one of the talks the camera/screen was on her and WTF I COMBUSTED (when will i have those toned arms gg) 
말투는 은근히 귀여워 during the talks there are some parts where her voice will be damn cute and i'm like jumping on my spot (legit send help pls thanks) 
but she's so underrated and have so little fans sigh i hope she doesn't feel discouraged!! continue to work hard! 
tzuyu: she's so much more confident now, speaking in chinese more but still preferring to leave the talking to the others 
pretty ofc and that adlib during what is love acoustic was really v good (really improved a lot from sixteen)

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