Saturday, April 29, 2017

i'm like TT

okay gotta write it all down!!!!!
actually wanted to go early to go and get those free banners from those fan sites but after seeing the crowd i'm just like nope no go and stayed at home until around 4-ish? before i slowly made my way there
it's the first time i actually went to star theater to watch a show and i must say it's pretty decent i like it like the stairs all have lights so it has the stairway to heaven feel hahaha

everything was pretty decent, they have those gantry then you have to scan your ticket to enter (damn atas)
then bag check
after entering i went to collect the vip ticket free gift which is a passport holder and luggage tag?? kinda useless (aka will never use it ever cos it's a very ugly color erpz)
was about to go in to the concert hall already but i saw the merchandise booth and they were selling the candy bongs AND I MAKE BAD LIFE DECISIONS SO I GOT IT LA (damn easy to persuade lol freaking loser)

which i kinda regret when i entered and my whole row only had like 1-2 people who had it?? but didn't regret cos like it's really v nice and i will use it as my lamp now or smth HAHAHAHA

the face of regret
okay so when i got in they were playing twice mvs and the fans were all cheering and doing fanchants really damn got atmosphere

with lights
but they played a jyp propaganda clip and i was just like /blinks eye meme/
talked to the guy beside me and he's like 16 halp i am so old

concert got delayed a lil but the most 소름 feels is when the lights turn off and you know shit is about to go off and you turn around and the lightsticks and all are so beautiful so you just emoshunal (but i don't like the colorful concept leh like don't have the ocean feel)

but okay they played some intro video and BOOM the screen in the middle splits open and they came out from there
at this point in time i am just AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH cos it was like this circular staircase structure and they were all standing at different places
chaeng was at the top so i just TT can't control my feels when i saw her

then they did short dance solos and moved out to the stage to perform touchdown
i'm going to be a star: erm when the song started i just burst out laughing like erpz
they don't sound bad tbh or my eyes just working so hard my ears not working idk HAHAHA
cheer up: was damn shocked they put one of their biggest hits so early in the show (altho they only have 4 titles lol) but yah the moment they get into the flower position i lost it
talk: stopped to introduce and talk to us and i was damn shocked that they talked for so long like almost a good 5-10min but okay chaeng and mina was standing to the right where i was sitting so no complaints la my eyes were just glued to them

during the talk they were like pretty amazed at sg once's korean ability then nabongs went "트와이스 좋아하는 사람?" then everyone cheered and jeong "김시 좋아하는 사람?" and everyone cheered again haha
but also, this is where the differing popularity between the members become v obvious like the screams are the loudest for tzuyu > mina/sana > momo > the rest (rip)

okay don't remember the songs they performed alr but i still feel their tracks from the first album were the best like do it again is da best
when it was the like a fool stage I LOVE IT SIA like even tho they didn't dance cos of jihyo's injury they flashed photos of the girls behind on the big screen while they sang and it's really damn cute and just awwwwwwww worthy

one thing i really like is their VCRs??? like right before the subunit stages they played this VCR where it showed them planning their subunit stages and shit it is damn cute (while watching it i was like i'm going to buy the concert dvd just for the VCR cos it's SOOO CUTE and also chaeng still had her boyfriend hair)
impt things to remember for the VCR: minachae doing ballet, dahyun and jeong doing the goblin sword dance lol
4 minutes: it's supposed to be a cool concept but MINA IS SO SEXY LIKE HOMG (like i can't describe it go and watch their fancams)
yonce: istg they are trying to kill me luckily chaeng was on the other side i menboong when i saw them wheeling out the "boxes" they were in
but like momo's shrimp dance and chaeng TT YOU ARE A BABY DON'T DO SEXY
also sana is really v sexy
and there's this particular part of the dance that i really like it when chaeng does it it's like this punching motion and she damn swaggy when she does it so yep
black cat nero: dahyun came out and played the piano -> she played the 007 ost, ending off with a very dahyun-like dramatic bow before putting on her cat paw gloves and hoodie to perform black cat nero with tzuyu
one of the stages i was really jamming to idky lol but it was just damn high

after that they came out with the sailor outfits performing some cartoon ost and after that sailor moon ost 
nayeon came out first then she pointed her candy bong to the side to "summon" chaeng then when she came out i just died
she is so cute in the sailor moon outfit and a cat ear head band sobs
talk: they had a talk here to talk about their subunit stages and when tzuyu and dahyun said that their subunit was in charge of cuteness in the team the members asked them to do aegyo lol
so tzuyu had to do aegyo ("once, wo ai ni") and cos momo copied tzuyu's actions, she got asked to do aegyo too ("i love you" HER VOICE IS SO CUTE)
ofc how can we forget about jihyo when it comes to aegyo
and they were like "how can we not see nayeon when it comes to aegyo" then we all chanted for nayeon who eventually relented and did aegyo haha
they also asked jeong to use aegyo to introduce the next song and all of their reactions HAHAHAHA

the other VCR was about this "once" (the camera) having a dream about twice and i was just thinking "they really know how to use their beauty"
like the first was going on a date with sana and i just died la she is really very pretty
then painter chaeng with the boyfriend hair MY AESTHETIC
and baking with mina and the shot of mina tying her hair she bit the hair tie and combed her hair and then tied it TOO MUCH

okay so cover dance time
overdose: as expected their dancing still remains the same haha the chain is still as messy as ever but bro momo went so hard my eyes veered between her and chaeng for this song
pretty u: okay can i just say i want to stab myself cos i was trying to record for this one but had to worry about the security and all so i really didn't watch this stage properly sobs
but i love the outfit for this one cos chaeng looks damn good in suspenders and sleeveless 어깨강패 hurhurhur
and she caught the book this time HAHAHA
but this is also one of the songs i jammed damn hard to haha

my fav bside track: precious love
before that they taught us the chorus dance for it and asked us to dance along to it
but i really love this song it's so nice and also chaeng wrote the rap for it HURHURHUR
TT: fanchants were awesome for this (and basically for all the title tracks)
died at mina's bridge wave part and nachaeng's hug
knock knock: mina didn't poke chaeng's stomach TT
so it was the "end" but ofc there is encore

so encore they had this VCR which is like those kiss cam at baseball cams but no kissing, just the camera will film a fan then the fan has to dance, answer questions to a quiz etc
damn paiseh but got one guy damn funny HAHAHA
then they came out singing one in a million and gosh the feels man
i bet it will look even better on stage seeing all the fans waving the light sticks
then they gave their ending speech in a row: nayeon sana jihyo tzuyu dahyun mina momo chaeng jeong
quite sad to hear like many of the members say stuff like "altho we are still lacking a lot but thank you for loving us" etc like girlies the comments must be harsh
jihyo included a few chinese phrases here and there; 大家好 and 见到你们好高兴
tzuyu just spoke in chinese and can i just say i love listening to taiwanese chinese NOT BEING BIASED BUT I REALLY LIKE THE WAY THEY SPEAK CHINESE like so niceu
dahyun is just DAMN BLOODY FUNNY what in the world
her intro: 大家好我是 angel 多賢" (cos she was wearing an angel head band)
then when the translator is translating her words she pretends to lip sync to it TT dead la she is really v cute and v active
then sana noticed and told jihyo (SAIDA ALERT)
mina: very soft spoken and ended her speech in english "thank you for coming tonight and thank you so much"
momo: "i think sg onces' korean are very good and i will work harder on korean myself and also work hard on other languages so i can better communicate with you guys next time"
chaeng: i feel like as a artist chaeng knows how to phrase her words very well and she ended with english also "i love you guys so much ____" forgot the second line
oh and i find that she tends to mumble her words don't do that :(
then while the people behind were making their speech sana and nayeon made hearts
sana did the over the head heart but nayeon was doing the hand heart and nayeon didn't want to switch to the over the head heart haha
eventually they did the over the head heart -> elbow heart -> hand heart (cuties)

then they wanted to take a photo with us before the last few songs and they back faced us but the photographer didn't come out so they were like ????
but the fan video started playing and they were like "아이 이거 뭐야"
quite touching and cute like they played their videos from sixteen, clips with their parents, dance practices and stuff like "thank you for not giving up on your dreams on being a singer because that's the reason why we can see you on this stage now"
(but there's this clip of dahyun dancing to fire and she reenacted it live + aired momo's ohaiyo and nico nico ni and can see she hid her face in her hands haha but after that she also reenacted nico nico ni live)
then immediately when the video ended we raised the fan banner and yep can see the girls were v touched hurhur (jihyo looked like she was about to cry TT)
took the photo then encore

they sang their three hit songs (no knock knock)
and because they didn't do the choreo so they were just walking around playing with each other and basically my reason of death cos they are being cute and playful with each other
when the song started sana started chasing nabongs
then momo stuffed the banner up chaeng's shirt who later stuffed it into momo's shirt as revenge
jeong sat at the edge of the stage with sana on our side
dahyun was being extra by lip syncing to the high notes and going extra hard for the dance break for LOA
chaeng doing the flower pose for dahyun who wanted to kiss her but chaeng escaped
then after that tzuyu, jihyo, sana, mina came over to this side
jihyo, sana and mina stood very close to the edge of the stage to be closer to the fans
when making her way across the stage mina does this weird twirling and dancing thing haha she's really so weird and cute??? like she's so quiet but weird but also cute at the same time
and from all the fancams they were going around kicking each other's butt (literally lol)
2yeon sat on the other side this time and chaeng went to sit with them TT WHY DIDN'T YOU SIT ON THIS SIDE
oh momo was like killing dahyun with her hugs
yah then when it ended they walked back to behind the screen which will close
nabongs hit jeong when she was holding the banner (typical 2yeon bickering)
and they all did the sana oohyo oohyo thing haha momo even did it properly while facing us
then as the screen was closing chaeng went "i love you so much!" and the others echoed
and sana went sha sha sha or smth and it was goodbye

now, thoughts on each member:
nayeon: leads most of the talk, is very cute, i like her aegyo v much
jeong: (nothing very memorable.... pls forgive)
momo: dude her voice is really so high pitch like i thought she was faking it BUT SHE REALLY SOUNDS LIKE THAT
and like there was this part during one of the talk it was supposed to be her turn to talk but she forgot or smth and chaeng had to tap her before she remembered hahaha
sana: also very high pitch voice and is one of the more playful members?
went around playing and teasing the members (mostly dahyun haha)
jihyo: i noticed that like before each talk, they won't turn on the lights until the members get into their position/drank water alr and every time jihyo will make sure that everyone is ready before talking to signal that they are ready and the lights can be turned on
also like i hope she won't take it too hard on herself that she can't dance cos of her knees like gurl take care of yourself first
leaders ftw yay
mina: saw her weird side today haha i think she saw people holding the banner of her doing the kungfu pose so she did it quite a lot and also weird dancing around the stage during the encore
just accepting the hits from her members without retaliating i mean is there a person on earth that is more gentle than mina???
also like can tell that she knows she's pretty HAHAHAHA like not in a bad way that she's super arrogant about it but you can tell from the way she carries herself
or she just carries herself with a lot of confidence???
dahyun: bruh climbed up my bias list so fast with her antics HAHAHA
like i said she killed it during the ending speech and also during the VCR she's v funny and basically she's the mood maker of the group OH she moon walked out for the sailor moon stage and i think it was unscripted cos even chaeng was like patting the other members to tell them to look at her hahaha
no wonder jyp likes her so much haha
chaeng: basically cemented her spot as my bias
like idk sometimes i look at her photos and she's not the most photogenic of the bunch but oh god she looks so damn good in real life (not sure if it's cos the hair grew out or what)
she's quite swaggy when she dances like she doesn't BOOM like momo but she has her own swag
and also, her mannerisms ARE SO DAMN CUTE EXCUSE ME
like while the other members are talking you will see her fidgeting around and like the little little actions she makes are all v cute (like what do you mean you will only be cute until this year YOU CAN BE CUTE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE AND I'M NOT EVEN GOING TO COMPLAIN)
there was this part where i think she was saying they need to hear our cheers and she put her hands to her mouth to mime a person shouting
and immediately after the Yonce stage they had to clear the stage and (even tho the lights were off you can still see them slightly) she just ran off and it's v cute (OKAY I AM BIASED)
tzuyu: 100 today like really felt that she was very pretty from the VCRs and in real life
like how can a 17 yo look like this?????!!!?
also, knows that she's pretty like mina haha

i can really feel how much they enjoy singing on stage and it makes me feel really proud (to see them do so well and live their dreams) and slightly inspired i guess? like i also want to be able to find something that i am so passionate about and actually be able to persevere to see it through lol
can't wait to see them again, they said a lot of stuff like asking us to wait for them to be back etc PLS COME BACK SOON TT
and also i didn't realize their 'tour' only had 3 countries, seoul, bangkok and sg lol wow what luck eh
한국에 조심히 다녀와, 다음에 또 만나자!

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