Friday, April 28, 2017

gotta think about it TWICE

Photo Taking
so guys. i saw twice today and it was just insane.

i went in quite late so i was the last few groups to take photo with them but that's not the point
we had to take this escalator up to the place and dude it looked like the stairway to heaven or smth so apt haha

i thought it was going to be a room then we will have to enter and stuff but no it was just in the middle of the foyer of star??? they just place the background board and another board to block them and people who are queuing

it was quite informal and i just couldn't believe it that twice is just behind that screen
we entered and idk why my eyes immediately locked onto mina
then my eyes moved to the right and omg it's chaeng (my michaeng shipper heart died a lil)
the fans were supposed to stand in two rows and if i stood in the second row i would be behind chaeng and mina but the guard asked me to stand in the first row so i moved and i was behind sana, dahyun and momo
i was wondering why mina kept looking over then i realized it's cos the young boy beside me was crying and dahyun and sana turned around to comfort him saying stuff like "don't cry :(((((("
and this got the attention of momo and nayeon who was on the other side of dahyun and nabongs being the absolute trash for kids she is made a face like "aww don't cry"
then everyone focused in front, took photos (my mouth was trembling while i smiled) and they turned around to comfort the boy again
dahyun went "you are cute, don't cry" to the boy before we left and i looked at chaeng and she's so pretty good god

okay so the seating arrangement from my POV: jeong, sana, dahyun, momo, nayeon, chaeng, mina, (tzuyu and jihyo who i didn't even see erpz)
jeong: she's actually really, really pretty like i think i was the most shocked by her after chaeng
altho i didn't really get a good glimpse of her cos of goddamn saida
sana: her eyes are just so big and her cheeks so puffy and fluffy she really looks like a squirrel
dahyun: she spent the most time trying to comfort the boy and she was always smiling and like her eyes are non-existent cos she kept making expressions to try to comfort the boy???
momo: honestly didn't really pay attention to her (cos goddamit saida) but all i can remember was that her eyes are v big
nayeon: the only impression i have of her is her making that contorted expression like the "aww, don't cry like you shouldn't cry on such a happy occasion" kind of face so i didn't see her normal face HAHAHA
chaeng: everybardy, y'all have to give more credit to chaeng what in the world
like maybe in photos she doesn't look as good as the other members but holy shit she looks so much better in real life
like she legit looks like a doll with her huge eyes, small face and she is just v cute and v pretty (and also because i am a biased shit)
mina: okay the first person i noticed when i stepped in was mina what do you think
she never stopped smiling from the moment i saw her till the moment i left and like the way she's so gently looking at the boy who's crying even tho she's pretty far from him it's like wow mina stop being so perfect??? (and her smile wow okay i am actually in love)
even though she never even talked during the whole interaction elegance and grace just WHOOZED OUT FROM HER like wtf stop being unfair

okay gotta say i think i was most shook by saida this time cos they were right in front of me and they were literal angels trying to cheer the boy up
i would say i paid most attention to: dahyun > sana > mina > chaeng (the rest were just brief looks)

like even after coming out i just can't believe it like i can't believe it TILL THIS MIN
it's so surreal wtf
suffering from being overly high just now pls halp like now i just want to sleep lol

overly excited face

gotta get tagged to go in
just cos the toilet looks v atas
when i was in the queue AND DYING INTERNALLY
looking forward to tmr's concert so much!!!

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